This guide is based on our experienced and the requirements might change depending on the status of your application and the branch where you applying.
Go to Pag-ibig branch near you
Fill up EDF (Employers data form) Submit a copy of necessary requirements such as
- DTI or SEC,
- Business Permit/ Mayors permit,
- If Registered in SSS, submit :
- SSS Certificate of Membership/ compliance
- SSS R1,R1A, R3 (PRN) / Payroll (signed & approved by employer/ payroll manager)
- Affidavit of non- deduction (notarized) if with employee but not deducting or paying pag ibig
- Affidavit of no employee if you started as no employee and enroll pag ibig late
- Payroll / SSS R3 or your PRN
- Soft copy of remittance form – you have to get this from Pag – Ibig office (bring your own USB)
- Hard copy of remittance form (Print copy)
- EDF (Employers data form) – filled up
- Authorized signatories must have Pag ibig Number if no pag ibig number you need to fill up MDR or members data form
- ESRS FORM (electronic submission and remittance) is if you’re going to pay through bayad center (you need to have email address and contact number) you need to fill up this and send to pag ibig branch near you.
Note: You must have Pag-Ibig number of your employee and complete name, if they still don’t have pag-ibig number they have to fill up MDR Form (members data form)
- If you’re going to pay through bayad center, you need to log on to their site and generate remittance form (before you have account online, application for ESRS is needed, waiting time to received password is 2 weeks after you fill up and send application form to pag-ibig office or through email) once you received password from pag-ibig you have to change it before 48hours before it expired
- Paying through Pag-Ibig or Bayad center- Payment posting is 2 weeks after you pay (no need to go to pag-ibig office for posting unless you want to check your contribution)
- Pag-ibig due date depend on the name of your Company like for us Fist letter is S (Summerset Travel Agency) we have due date of 20-31 every month (you must ask and verify to your pag-ibig branch )